8 Tips for Marketing New Homes (And What to Do When You Have None) | 21 June 2021

Volatile pricing. Halting home sale contracts. Low inventory. Supply shortages. And in April 2021, CNBC published an article with bad news, “The surge in lumber prices in the past year has added $35,872 to the price of an average new single-family home.” Ouch. In short, new home marketing is facing some challenges this year. Challenges Facing Builders As of June 2021, there is staggering demand in Texas’s red-hot housing market, and there’s a large swell in demand... Full Story

Cookie-Geddon! The Death of the Third-Party Cookie | 08 June 2021

A major change is coming to the data landscape and how advertisers will be able to market in the future. In case you’ve missed it, third-party cookies started phasing out in 2017 and the last major push will be taking place close to late 2023 when Google Chrome finally phases them out completely (Firefox and Safari have already done so). (Updated June 24, 2021.) .   This change has been a long time coming, so advertisers have been gearing up and pivoting to embrace the change... Full Story

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