About Habits and Blindness in Marketing | 13 April 2016

MarketingSherpa Summit 2016 | Las Vegas We all walk around thinking we are in control of our lives, confident that we are fully capable of making our own decisions. As it turns out, 40 - 45% of what we do every day is sub-conscious, powerful, safe habit. The way that we get up, get to work, the route that we take, what we eat for lunch, where we stop to get gas, what kind of coffee we drink. How do we get out of that blind routine and start seeing things again? And how do we... Full Story

We're Hiring a Digital Marketer | 10 April 2016

Blue Sky Marketing is currently seeking to hire a highly motivated Digital Marketer to assist in all aspects of online marketing, social media, and client service. Take this short quiz: Do you take initiative on your projects? Do you love analytics and seeing the ROI of a marketing program? Are you a solutions based thinker suggesting solutions rather than throwing your hands up in the air? Do you love new technology and keep up with what is happening in digital marketing? Do you... Full Story

Making The Jump From Sales To Digital Marketing | 01 April 2016

Although they couldn’t operate without each other, Sales and Marketing departments work differently. But what if you decide you want to move from one to the other? Arguably some of the most successful transitions have been from Sales to Digital Marketing, especially in the corporate arena. Related Reading: 8 Tips for Marketing New Homes (And What to Do When You Have None) Read On » In my world, I was prepared to take my years of Marketing knowledge and... Full Story

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"On a platform like Hubspot, you're serving them what they are after, not what you wish they were after. You're serving them what they want."

Marketing Automation and Smarketing, Who likes measurable success? Marketing automation gives us a tangible platform to share measurable results with our clients. It functions in a capacity to streamline · automate, and measure workflows and tasks. The end result? Increased efficiencies and revenue growth.
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