Two Great AMA Houston Events in May

April 24, 2013 May will be a great month for the American Marketing Association Houston chapter. A couple of VERY interesting events are coming up, thanks to Houston's AMA special interest groups (SIGs). On May 2, the Interactive Marketing SIG will host a seminar about using analytics to shape your marketing programs. Blue Sky Marketing Founder Michelle LeBlanc will be the moderator. A second event, staged by the Multicultural Marketing SIG on May 14, will be presenting the latest trends and techniques to reach the Hispanic users in their mobile world. See details of both events below.

May 2 - Michelle LeBlanc to lead AMA Event: Turning Analytics Into Actionable Insights

With marketing analytics, marketers can understand the effectiveness of their marketing, not just the effectiveness of their website. Using marketing analytics allows marketers to identify how each of their marketing initiatives (e.g. social media vs. blogging vs. email marketing, etc.) stack up against one another, determine the true ROI of their activities, and understand how well they're achieving their business goals.  What's working? What's not working? Join us to learn more. Register online by Tuesday, April 30, 2013, at 5pm. When Thursday, May 2, 2013 from 7:30am to 10:30am Where United Way Community Resource Center 50 Waugh Drive Houston, Texas 77007 Panelists Justin Segal - Chief Operating Officer, Boxer Property Management Marina Matselinskaya - Sr. Manager, Digital Marketing, Halliburton Myles Rose - Manager, Interactive Strategy, Gulf States Toyota, Inc. Moderator Michelle LeBlanc - Founder, Blue Sky Marketintg

May 14 - Marketing in a Handheld World: Mobile Marketing Trends and Techniques for the Hispanic Market

AMA_Mobilemarketing_May14_flyerHispanic users are less likely than other ethnicities to have a home connection to access the Internet; however, they are more likely to browse websites, check email or send and receive messages from their cell phones. In a world of apps, short messages, videos and gaming, what are the latest techniques to market your product or services to Latinos via mobile devices? Attend the workshop to learn more about strategy and best practices. Register online by Friday, May 10, 2013, at 5 pm. When Tuesday, May 14, 2013 from 7:30am to 10:30am Where United Way Community Resource Center 50 Waugh Drive Houston, Texas 77007 Panelists Alvaro Cabal - Director of Multicultural Marketing, Ford Motor Company Shervin Kalinia - CEO, HHPage, Inc. Jorge Rincón - Chief Operations Officer, Adsmovil Moderator Cynthia Cisneros - VP of Community Affairs, Channel 13 ABC  

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