Multicultural Marketing Strategies That Reach Every Consumer

August 18, 2017

Multicultural minorities in the US are quickly becoming the largest consumer segment in the nation. With more than $3.4 trillion in purchasing power, these younger, more tech savvy buyers are projected to become the population majority by 2044.

Reaching the multicultural buyer is essential, and growing diversity demands a more comprehensive approach than traditional demographic targeting. If you’re not currently developing a multicultural marketing strategy, then now is the time to start.

Who is the Multicultural Buyer?

The US Census Bureau defines the Multicultural Buyer as someone who identifies as Black, Hispanic, Asian, American Indian, or as two or more races. However, the term has evolved to include any audience outside of the country’s majority culture (for example, the Jewish community). They are typically younger, with 53% of Generation Z and 40% of Millennials identifying as multicultural.

As early adopters of the latest technologies, multicultural buyers are trendsetters who prefer brands that reflect their values and empower their aspirations. While maintaining their own heritage, these consumers also enjoy exploring the cultures of others and typically prefer a multicultural experience when it comes to food, shopping, and entertainment.

How to Create a Multicultural Marketing Strategy?

The first step to creating a multicultural marketing strategy is to realize that there is no one-size fits all approach. Research has uncovered different preferences for Hispanic, Black American, and Asian American buyers within these sub-groups. But there is some common ground: multicultural buyers desire connectedness with their heritage. A recent Pandora survey reveals that for Hispanics, the primary connector is music. For Black Americans, that connector is family. And for Asian Americans, food.

With these insights in mind, it’s time to ask yourself a few basic questions:

  • How does my marketing message address multicultural consumers’ values and interests?

  • How does my brand create an authentic experience for buyers wanting to connect with their cultures?

  • Does my marketing take into account how my buyers see themselves?

If you answered No to the questions above, it’s time to retool your targeting and messaging.

Keep in mind that these savvy young buyers don’t like to be sold to. They prefer an experience that is both genuine and relevant. Understanding what matters to different buyer segments is the first step in building a multicultural marketing strategy that works.

How to Reach the Multicultural Buyer?

Technology is the key. Multicultural buyers are more internet-connected than their non-multicultural counterparts. They use social media more, they rely on their smartphones more, and they are generally more active on mobile apps. Culture-driven and younger than the general population, these consumers expect the digital experience to reflect who they are by connecting with others in a sincere way.

And that goes for brands too. According to AdWeek, 95% of multicultural millennials are loyal to the brands they like. And 78% of those surveyed feel they have the power to influence brands online. When the multicultural buyer finds a brand that speaks and listens to them, they aren’t afraid to become brand advocates on social media, spreading the word to their friends and family.

Bottom line: digital platforms are a very important component of any multicultural marketing strategy.

So important that companies like Facebook and Google employ their own multicultural marketers to ensure their brands are inclusive to the general population. Christian Martinez, Head of Multicultural Sales at Facebook, believes that “advertising should empower you to learn about things that are relevant to you, that speak to you, that reflect you and your community.”

Not every company should rush out and build their own multicultural marketing department, but they do need to become more sensitive to diversity if they aren’t already. And especially online.

Let Blue Sky Help You Reach Your Multicultural Consumers

The team at Blue Sky Marketing has the digital marketing expertise to help you build a successful multicultural marketing strategy.

Contact Blue Sky Marketing today to discuss how we can help you reach every consumer.

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